Date: Friday 1st June 2555/ 2012
Time: 13:00 -18:00
Room: MCU, Conference Hall, Room 2, Floor 2 |
Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand Dr. Suvin Ruksat received his B.A. Ed. from Mahachalalongkorn Rajvidayalaya University, M.A. (Buddhist Studies) and Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies) from University of Delhi. Currently, he is Assistant Professor, President of Buddhist Studies Department, and Secretary of Ph.D. Program in Buddhist Studies, Mahamakut Buddhist University.
Research Institute of Chinese Classics, Fudan
University, Shanghai, China |
Title: On the Sanskrit Version of Dharmadhätustava
Department Religion and Culture Faculty of
Arts, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan |
Title: Modern Japanese Buddhism A Response to the Crises brought by
ITBM University, Yangon, Myanmar |
Title: Towards the Unity of the Samgha in Myanmar: The Emergence of State
Samgha Organization in 1980
ITBM University, Yangon, Myanmar |
Title: The Most Venerable Vicittasäräbhivamsa and His Contributions to the
Pariyatti Säsana: A Brief Study of the Emergence of the Traditional
Tipitakadhara Examinations and Two Modern Säsana Universities in
Post Independent Myanmar
ITBM University, Yangon, Myanmar |
Title: The Lead in a Buddhist's Good Life by the Study of the Most Eminent
Practice Text
of Mindfulness
MCU, Thailand |
Title: The Buddhist Concept of Meditation
Thailand |
Title:The Study of Staffing and Strategic Training and Development on
Religious Mission of Monks and Novices in the Southern Border
Provinces of Thailand
Thailand |
Title:Study the Effects towards Way of Life of Thai Buddhists from the
Violent Situation in Arrea of the three Southern Border Provinces
SOAS, University of London, UK |
Title: Buddhist Learning in Myanmar Monastic Culture:
orality, memorisation and deductive Reasoning
Buddhist Research Institute of Renmin
University, Beijing, China |
Title: A Brief Survey on Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Collegiate