Research Institute of Chinese Classics Fudan University, Shanghai,
China |
Title: Dignäga and Dharmakïrti: Two Summits of Indian Buddhist Logic
The Institute of Philosophy, Shanghai Academy of Social
Sceinces, Shanghai,China |
Title: The Problem of Major Premise in Buddhist Logic
ITBM University, Yangon, Myanmar |
Title: A Gripping Narrative of the Buddha's Great Victory over Saccaka:
Reflection of the Culasaccaka Sutta
MCU, Thailand |
Title: Kamma inTheravada Buddhism
Thailand |
Title: The Remedy and Rehabilitation of the Juvenile Offenders in the Juvenile
Training Center Region 7 Chiang Mai Concerning the Four Foundations
of Mindfulness
Department and Affiliation, College of Religious Studies
Mahidol University, Thailand |
Title: From Hinayana to Theravada: Ven. Alubomulle Sumanasara's Mission to
Thailand |
Title: The Usage of Buddhist Teachings to Support self-Reliant Community
Enterprise in Moon River Group of Thatum District in Surin Province
MCU, Thailand |
Title: A Hermeneutical Understanding of the Sisyphean Task through the
Buddha's Perseverance and Its Application for Intra-and-Inter Religious
Lashio University, Shan State, Myanmar |
Title: The Thai Yai Buddhist Ordination
Zhejiang Gongshang University, Research Institute of
Japanese Culture, Hangzhou, China |
Title: An Attempt of Spreading Buddhist Knowledge and Practical Activity in
University System