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การจัดประชุมชาวพุทธนานาชาติ เนื่องในวันวิสาขบูชาโลก |
ประวัติความเป็นมาของ การจัดประชุมชาวพุทธนานาชาติ เนื่องในวันวิสาขบูชาโลก |
International Council of the United Nations Day of Vesak |
International Association of Buddhist Universities |
สำนักงาน สสวล. / สมพน. |
เนื่องในโอกาสเฉลิมฉลอง พุทธชยันตี : ๒๖๐๐ ปี แห่งการตรัสรู้ขององค์พระพุทธเจ้า |


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The Most Venerable Professor Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn is currently Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Ecclesiastical Governor of Region II, Chief Abbot of Wat Prayurawongsawat in Bangkok, and a member of the Secretariat to the Executive Committee for the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand.
He was born on September 17th, 1955, in Suphan Buri Province, and entered the monastic life as a novice at the age of 12. In 1976, while still a novice, he completed the highest degree of traditional Pali Studies in Thailand, Pali Grade IX. In the same year, His Majesty, the King of Thailand, sponsored his higher ordination in the temple of the Emerald Buddha.
Two years later, he received his Bachelorย's degree in Philosophy, with first-class honors, from MCU. He then entered the University of Delhi, India, where he obtained the Diploma in French, an M.A., M.Phil. and a Doctorate. His Ph.D. thesis, written in English and published as: Selflessness in Sartreย's Existentialism and Early Buddhism, has been very popular and reprinted many times.
After receiving his Doctorate, he lectured for a time at MCU. In 1986, the Thai Sangha Supreme Council posted him to the Thai Buddhist Temple in Chicago, U.S.A. as a Dhammaduta (missionary monk). He returned to MCU to serve as Director of the Academic Division and later served as the first Dean of the Graduate school, Deputy Rector for Research and Planning, and Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs. His Holiness, the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, made him Rector of MCU 1997, and a year later appointed him Ecclesiastical Governor of Region II covering the provinces of Ayutthaya, Saraburi, and Ang Thong.
Apart from Sangha administrative work, he is one of Thailandย's scholar monks, and the author of more than 60 books on Buddhism and philosophy. His published works in Thai and English include, among others, History of Greek Philosophy; A Buddhist Approach to Peace; Buddhist Morality; Buddhist Worldview; and International Recognition of the Day of Vesak.
He has been invited to give Dhamma talks on Thai radio and television and has, for the past twenty years, annually delivered lectures not only throughout Thailand but also around the world, including a series of Dhamma lectures in the United States. In 1994 alone, he presented papers at the Symposium of the General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, held in Bangkok, and at the Religious Leaders Seminar, held in connection with the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt.
In August 2000, he was invited to give a lecture, entitled A Buddhist View on Conflict Resolution, to the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations in New York. Three months later, he delivered the distinguished lecture, Buddhism Propagation for Word Peace, at the Second World Buddhist Propagation Conference (Buddhist Summit) at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
In recognition of his academic work and dedication to society as a whole, His Majesty, the King of Thailand, on December 16, 2003, graciously appointed him to the position of Professor of Philosophy at MCU.
He was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Second Buddhist Summit, co-hosted by MCU and the Nenbutsushu Buddhist sect of Japan. The conference was held from November 9-11, 2000 in order to exchange ideas and techniques for propagating Buddhism, to build friendships among world Buddhist leaders and to celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of the Birth of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.
In addition, he acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee launching the Founding Meeting of the World Council of Religious Leaders (WCRL) held at Buddhamonthon and at UNESCAP from June 12-14, 2002.
Two years later, he acted similarly as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Board Meeting of the WCRL held, in conjunction with the World Youth Peace Summit (WYPS), at Buddhamonthon, from February 24-29, 2004. He once again acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the First International Buddhist Conference (IBC) Working as One: Buddhist Unity and Cooperation, held at Buddhamonthon and at UNESCAP, Bangkok, from July 16-20, 2004, and has, since then, been the main architect and Chairman of the United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations held in Thailand. He has continued to act as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd and 3rd IBC on the United Nations Day of Vesak, in 2005 and 2006 respectively.
He is chairman of IOC for the 4th IBC on the United Nations Day of Vesak to be held from May 26-29, 2007.
Previously known as Phra Maha Prayoon Mererk, Phra Methithammaphon, Phra Rajavaramuni, and Phra Thepsophon, he was given the new title of Phra Dharmakosajarn by His Majesty, the King of Thailand, on December 5th, 2005 in recognition of his continuing contributions to the Sangha and the broader society
The Most Venerable Professor Phra Dharmakosajarn, PhD (Delhi),
Rector, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand

Venerable Xue Chen,
Vice President, Buddhist Association of China & Buddhist Academy, Beijing, China
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Ven. Dr. Tampalawela Dhammaratana, B.A, M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, was born in Sri Lanka and ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1968. He studied at the Universities of Kelaniya, Paris, and Sorbonne, becoming proficient in Pali, Sanskrit, Sinhalese and French, and received his Ph.D degree from the University of Sorbonne- Paris IV, France in 1994. He also received a title of Doctor Honoris Causa from Mahachulalangkornrajavidyalaya University in 2009. He is a Consultant to the Divisions of Philosophy and Ethics and Cultural Pluralism and Intercultural Dialogue at UNESCO, since 1999. Dr. Dhammaratana is Hon. President of French Buddhist Union, Vice-President of World Fellowship of Buddhists in France, and President of International Council for Buddhist Development in Sri Lanka and President of Buddhist Humanities Action in France. He was the Copy-Editor of History of Humanity Vol. VI-VII published by UNESCO and author of number of scientific research articles on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism published in English and in French. |
Vene Dr. T Dhammaratana
Vice President, France
Mr. Masakazu Matsumoto
Vice President, Japan |

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July 28, 2549 |
September 28, 2503 |
T. Lokklang, A. Lambalaimat, Buriram Province |
Pali IX |
Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Sukothai Dharma University
M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya
Ph.D.(Pali&Buddhist Studies), BHU, India
Permanent Academic Division Officer, 2537
Acting Director of Academic Section, 2538
Director of Academic Division, 2540
Acting Deputy Dean of Graduate School, 2540
Acting Dean of Graduate School, 2541
Dean of Graduate School, 2541 (appointed first time)
Dean of Graduate School, 2545 (appointed second time)
Acting Rector of Academic Section, 2549
Associate Professor of Department of Buddhism, Faculty of Buddhism |
Inventor Advantage Award (Semadhammacakkara), a kind encourging Buddhist Education, branch of Buddhist book writing |
-Mahayana Buddhism: development and its essence (Thai edition),2000
-Buddhist Philosophy: essences and development(Thai edition), 2001
-Buddhism and modern technology(Thai edition), 2002
-Tibetan Buddhist Culture(Thai edition), 2004
Translating Works:
-development of Buddhist Ethics, 1993
-Karma and Rebirth, 1992
-Development of thoughts in the pattern of ancient Indian, 1993
-Basic Buddhist Views, 1993
-Philosophy of Nargajuna, 1993
-Mahayana Buddhism, 1993
-Vajarayana's analysis, 1994
-Nargajuna with contractary of time, existence, and in-existence, 1995
-Introduction to Vinayapitaka, 1995
-Philosophy of Madhyamika, 1997
-Search of Logics in Tripitaka and Buddhist Literature, 1997
-Critics of Aristotle's middle path and Buddhist Majjhimapada of Theravada, 1998
Mahachulalongkornrajavityalaya University Room 101, 1st floor, Mahachula Building, Tha-Phracan, Phranakorn District, Bangkok 10200. |
Wat Pak Nam, Bhasicharoen (Phasi Charoen), Bangkok 10600 |
Ven Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phra Sigambhirayan
Secretary-General, Thailand

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Title : Venerable Assistant Professor
E-mail :
Position : Assistant to the Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities, and Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Organization : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Address : 79 Group 1 Lamsai, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya 13170, Thailand
Website : and
Curriculum vitae
Pali name : Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Academic Position : MCU Instructor, Assistant Professor
Administrative Position : Assistant to Rector for Academic Affairs, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU),
Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Office of the Rector, Academic Division, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Tel. 035-248-011
- International Association of Buddhist Universities Tel. 035-248-098, Fax 035-248-099
- Wat Maiyaipan, Khwaeng Bangkhunnond, Khet Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 Tel. 02-882-4798, Fax 02-882-4797, Mobile 081-875-9154, E-mail -
Current Position:
- Secretary of Wat Maiyaipan (1999- present)
- Assistant to Abbot of Wat Maiyaipan (2001- present)
- MCU Lecturer (1 September 2005 - present)
- Lecturer in Buddhism and Modern Hermeneutics, Seminar on Buddhism and Peaceful Means Studies (Ph.D.), Buddhism and Current Affairs, Buddhist Philosophy, Seminar on Buddhism (MA), and Engaged Buddhism
- Supervised Instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April - present)
- Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU)
- Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Applied Buddhism and Society
- Conflict Management by Peaceful Means in Buddhism
- Buddhism and Hermeneutics on other Sciences
Education Background:
- Pali VI
- B.A. (Philosophy), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, l998.
- M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Thammasat University, 2001
- Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2005
Training Program:
- Conflict Management in Environmental Projects through Peaceful Means, The Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Basic Knowledge of Prevention and Resolution of Nature Resources and Environmental Conflict through Peaceful Means, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Conflict Management and Apology: King Prajadhipok's Institute's Principle, Pragmatic and Policy
- Certificate Course in The Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means, 2nd Batch, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Mini Master of Management Program, 45th Batch, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)
- Kaset Mini MBA, 43rd Batch, Kasetsart University
- Reconciliation and Apology, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Certificate Course in Negotiation Skill on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, 1st Batch, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in Training for Trainers in Prevention and Resolution of Conflict on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in the Efficiency of Conflict Resolution, Courts of Justice
- Certificate Course in Buddhism Propagator through Radio Broadcast, PRD Training, The Government Public Relations Department in association with Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Certificate Course in Business English, Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- Mini MBA, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University
Tours of Abroad Observation Experiences:
- A tour of observation and study on English use and business management at Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- A tour of observation and study on library and usability of library at France
- Academic seminar under the topic "Interfaith Dialogue" at Nanjing, China
- Seminar under the topic "Co-operation among Religious Leaders" at Singapore
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Anuradhapura and Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Women - Global Crisis" at Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Engaged Buddhism" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Attend the Vesak celebration at Hanoi, Vietnam
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Dongkuk Buddhist Chonbop College, Busan, South Korea
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Sacred Book Studies" at Kathmandu, Nepal
- Seminar under the topic "Engaged Buddhism" arranged by Association of Theravada Academic Buddhist Universities, Myanmar
- A tour of observation and study on modern organization management at Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Munich, Germany under the Kaset Mini MBA program, Kasetsart Business School, Kasetsart University
- Seminar and presentation on "Buddhism in the Next Decade" at Nagpur, India
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Development" at Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
Work Experiences:
- Special instructor at Pali Sueksa Buddhagosa Campus (20 May 2000 - October 2002)
- Special instructor at Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Supervised instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April 2005 - present)
- Negotiator on environmental issues and other prosecutions
- President of the commission "Instruction book on the cautious use of Buddhism symbols" by Ministry of Culture Thailand
Lectures in Government and Individual Sectors:
- Universities such as Thammasat University, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai University, Kasetsart University, Silpakorn University, Walailak University, Ramkhamhaeng University, RBAC University, ABAC University, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Prince of Songkla University, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thonburi Rajabhat University, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Boromarajonani College of Nursing in Bangkok and Nonthaburi
- Government Institutes such as Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Commerce, Court of the Region 4, Office of the Attorney General, Ministry of Industry, National Economic and Social Advisory Council, Directorate of Operations, and Lomsak Hospital
- Individual organizations such as Seven-Eleven Corporation, Charoen Pokphand Group, Pata Pinklao Department store, Thammasapa, and Thai Polycons Public Company Limited
Published Article in Thai:
- Analysis Study of Role and Importance of Neophyte in Buddhism
- Buddhist Cosmology
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation
- Patterns of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Concepts and Actions
- Hermeneutics on From Layman to Arahant: Relationship between Ordination and Mortality
- Are Women Buddhism's Enemies?
- Peace in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict Management and Political Communication in Crisis, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
- Buddha as a Negotiator
- Peaceful Means: the Tools of Political Communication in Crisis
- The Age of Confliction and Discrimination: How New Era Monks Should to Interpret and Propagate Buddhism
- Buddhism and National Crisis
- Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: What? And How?
- No Fairness, No Harmony?
- Why Layman Have to Enter the Monkhood or Die?
- What is Peaceful Means, and Why?
- Peaceful Means on the Three Junctions in Current Thai Society
- Peace on the Four Standings in Current Thai Society
- Forgiveness and Conflict Management in Thai Society
- Religion and World Peace
- Axiom: Hermeneutics on Kukai's perspective
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation, Research Fund from Buddhist Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University
- The Attitude of College Students toward Translocation from Wat Mahathat to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Wang Noi, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- The Analysis Study of Employment of MCU's Graduated Students, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Thesis on Master's Degree:
- "Buddhism Crisis: Case Study of Ordination to Neophyte in Current Thai Society (1980-2000)", Thammasat University
Thesis on Doctor's Degree:
- "Pattern of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Case Study of Mae Ta Chang Watershed, Chiang Mai Province", Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Published Articles in English:
- Interaction between Buddhism and Politics
- Buddhism is the Religion of Peace
- Buddhist Perspectives on Conflict Management
- Engaged Buddhism in Thailand
- The Outlook of Buddhism for the Modern World
- Water War of the Mae Ta Chang Basin
- Human Nature and Conflict: Buddhist Perspective
- Peace in Buddhism: An Analytical Study
- Buddhism: a Religion of Positivism or Presentism
Ven Assist. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Assistant Secretary-General, Thailand youtube:
Ven Dr. Yuan Ci
Assistant Secretary-General , China |
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Goh Seng Chai, started his Dhamma work in 1961, is currently active in many social and religious activities. Having for the last 51 years contributed to the advancement of harmony and peace in the community through social and religious organizations. He has not just participated but successfully initiated programs and activities at the international, national, state and organizational levels. Through those activities, he has held many positions from being a member of the Executive Councils to managing as Deputy Honorary Secretary General and Honorary Secretary General to leadership roles of Vice Presidency and as President.
As a Malaysian, he is member of the International Organizing Committee comprising of Buddhists Leaders from 61 countries to assist in the planning and organizing of United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations in Thailand, hosted by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, an initiative sponsored by the Royal Thai Government. The committee is also charged to help develop Buddhamonthon to become a Center for World Buddhism. He is also elected to the Working Committee to oversee protocols as well as being the Honorary Assistant Secretary of the International Secretariat to share his experience in planning and in the development of training programs for the upcoming celebrations in 2007. He was also the Deputy Secretary of the International Organizing Committee of the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebration in Hanoi, Vietnam, hosted by the Vietnam Buddhist University.
He started his international Buddhist works way back from 1969 when the 9th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists was held in Malaysia, helping out as a member of the Secretariat of the General Conference.
In 2002, two international conferences were held back to back in Shah Alam. He served as the Organizing Secretary as well as the Event Director of the 2nd Global Conference of Buddhism and as the Organizing Chairperson for the 22nd General Conference the World Fellowship of Buddhists and the 14th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youths, which was opened by our former Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Since he was elected as a member of the Executive Council member of the World Fellowship of Buddhist at its 22nd General Conference in 2002, he played an active part in the meeting of the Executive Council by contributing various ideas and proposals. One of his many ideas was the first WFB 6-Year Plan 2006 2012 which was approved at the 23rd General Conference.
Since 1977, he has participated in many Buddhists Conferences, Seminars and Forums in Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Australia, Korea and Taiwan as well as in locally organized international events.
He was actively contributing to the society and community as a youth. From late 1970s, through his participation in Majlis Belia, he went on to render his service as a member of the Executive Council of Majlis Belia of Selangor. He has also served as Senior Vice President of the Federal Territory Youth Council for a number of years.
He organizes Buddhist Life Circle Camps and courses on the structuring of Buddhist organizations and other courses needed by the Buddhist community.
In his career, he was an enthusiastic sports person taking part in many sports and recreational activities in his employment leading up to his later appointment as the a member of the Executive Committee for the Company's Recreation Club to oversee the employee's welfare and program.
In 2011, he served as the Hon Secretary of the protem Committee on the formation of Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association which he assisted in getting it registered within the period of 5 months.
Currently, he is holding the following positions internationally and locally:
Consultant and Special Advisor to Buddhist Federation of Australia
Consultant and Special Advisor to United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia & New Zealand
Assistant Secretary-General of the International Council for the Day of Vesak (ICDV)
Member of the Advisory Committee, International Association of Buddhist University (IABU)
President of Loka Mitta Buddhist Fellowship Malaysia
Consultant to the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM).
Lay Advisor of Setenang Buddhist Society Selangor & Kuala Lumpur
Lay Advisor of Selangor Khamgar Druk Dhamakara Buddhist Association
He has written 11 articles on the various aspects of Buddhism ranging from leadership, organizational to social issues that are being published in the Buddhist Channel, a website for Buddhists.
In recognition of his service to the Buddhist community, he was awarded the "Pingat Bakti Belia (PBB)" by the Selangor Youth Council in 1982 and "Outstanding Buddhist Worker" by the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia in 1993. In the year 2000, His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Selangor Darul Ehsan conferred him the royal medal of "Pingat Jasa Kebaktian" (PJK) in recognition of his dedication in providing social services to the public.
Correspondence Address: No. 22 Jalan 18/44, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
Mobile Telephone Contact: +6012-3915539,
Telephone / Fax Contact: +603-5541 1613
Email: /
Mr. Goh Seng Chai
Assistant Secretary-General , Malaysia

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April 1, 2003 (BE.2546) |
January 8, 2507 |
ROI - ET Province. |
- Pali VI
- Bacher of Arts (Educational Administration), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Master of Arts (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Assistant to Rector,Academic Section .
Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkonrajavidyalaya University, Wat Mahadhatu, Bangkok 102001.
Wat Arun Ratchawararam Temple, No. 34, Arun Amarin Road, Kwang Wat Arun, Khet Bangkok Yai, Bangkok, Thailand. |
สถานที่ทำงาน |
สำนักงานอธิการบดี มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย อำเภอวังน้อย จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา |
Ven Phrakhrupalad Suvathanavachirakhun
Treasurer, Thailand

Ven Phra Sithawatchamethi
Assistant Treasurer, Thailand


 The Most Ven Ching Hsin
Member, Chinese Taipei |
 The Most Ven Dr. Ashin Nyanissara
Member, Myanmar
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Venerable Khammai Dhammasam was born in 1965 in the Shan State. He ordained
as a novice as a teenager at a branch of the Mahasi Meditation Center. He received his first
degree in Buddhist Literature from Sasana Mandaing Pali University in Burma in 1985, which
he completed in only a year. Also in 1985 he received first prize in the Shan State annual
Sangha examination. He proceeded to receive MAs at the Buddhist and Pali University of
Sri Lanka and the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies. In 2004, he received
his DPhil from Oxford for his thesis on Monastic Education in Burma and Thailand over the
last four centuries.In addition to his position in IABU, he presently serves as a trustee
of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies and the Abbot of the Oxford Buddhist Vihara.
Venerable Dhammasami is proficient in Shan, Burmese, English, Pali, Thai and
Sanskrit, and competent in aural Sinhala and Laotian. He has served as a lecturer at the
Sasana Mandaing Pali University, the YMBA in Colombo, and the World Buddhist Foundation. |
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Professor Le Manh That (Most Ven. Thich Tri Sieu) is not only an extraordinary
Buddhist scholar, but a national and international hero as well. His courage is an inspiration
to the Vietnamese people and the Human Rights Community worldwide.Born in 1944 in
Quang Tri provine, Ven. Le Manh That ordained at the age of twelve.He received his BA in
Philosophy and Pedagogy from the University of Saigon in 1965 and his PhD from the
University of Wisconsin in 1974 for his research on Vasubandhu.He thereafter lectured and
pursued research at the Van Hanh University and the Van Hanh Buddhist Research institute
in the fields of Indic languages and philosophy and the history of Vietnamese Buddhism.
In 1984, Ven. Le Manh That was arrested for political reasons. He was held for four
years without trial, and was sentenced to death in 1988, unjustly convicted of plotting to overthrow the People's Government. Due to national and international outrage,
Ven. Le Manh That's sentence was commuted to 20 years in prison. He served half of this time,
much of it in solitary confinement, in Camp Z230A, Dong Nai, before being released in 1998. |
 Ven Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Member, UK
 Ven Prof. Dr. Le Mahn That
Member, Vietnam
 Ven Bhante Chao Chu
Member, USA
 Mr. Phallop Thaiarry
Member, Thailand |
 Mr. Sirisena Amarasekera Member, Sri Lanka
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20th January 1954 |
Vidyodaya Pirivena, Maligakanda, Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka.
Res. 2695119 Offi. 2693785 / Fax 2693353
a) Editor in Chief , Sinhala Etymological Dictionary, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Sri Lanka.
b) Director, Vice Principal Vidyodaya Pirivena, College of Oriental Studies, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
c) Member of the Council, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura.
d) Member of the Council, University of Kelaniya (G.W.A.I. Yakkala).
e) Member of the Aurvedic medical council .
a) B.A. Hons. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 1979.
b) M.A. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 1986.
c) Post Graduate Diploma of Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, 1990.
d) M.Phil. University of Kelaniya, 1992.
e) First Certificate for English, University of Cambridge, U.K., 1989.
f) Diploma in English, Aquinas College of Higher Studies, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka 1981.
g) Successful Completion of Advanced Level Course in English, The British Council, Colombo, 1989.
h) Training in Higher Education Administration, University of Manchester, U.K. 1988.
i) Certificate of Competence in German, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 1979.
j) Certificate of Competence in Tamil, Bandaranayake Center for International Studies, 1990.
k) Honorary Doctorate from the World Buddhist University Foundation, U.K.
a) The chief prelate of Western Province
b) Member of the presidential advisory committee for Sambuddhatwa Jayanti.
c) Trustee, World Buddhist Foundation, U.K.
d) Executive Member of the Council of International United Nations day of Vesak.
e) Executive member of World Buddhist Sangha Council.
f) Adviser, Ministry of Tourism.
g) Founder President Ariyapariyesana Dhamma research centre.
a) Thirty years service as a Senior Staff Officer, Sinhala Dictionary Department, Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
b) Present Editor, Sinhala Dictionary (since 2000).
c) Vice Chancellor, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (since 1994-1996).
d) Principal Vidyodaya College of Maligakanda - Buddhist & Pali University (1983-1994).
e) Director Vidyodaya Pirivena (since 1981 to date).
f) Founder, Director of Community Development Centre and Friendship Nursery School, Baddegama.
 Ven Dr. Akuratiye Nanda
Member, Sri Lanka
 Ven Bhikkhuni Dr. Myung Seong
Member, South Korea |
 Dr. Egil Lothe
Member, Norway
 Mr.Nopparat Benjawatananun
Member, Thailand
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Ven. Dr. Godagama Mangala thero was born in 1957 at Godagama in Kegalle. He received his primary education from Ganetenne Maha Vidyalaya until 1970. In 1971 he entered priesthood at Asgiri Mahaviharaya.
Dr. Mangala thero received his secondary education from Sangaraja Pirivena at Malwatta Viharaya and Sri Ghaneswara Pirivena at Gangaramaya, Hunupitiya from 1972 1978.
He is a Graduate of the University of Peradeniya. He obtained his Masters degree from Sri Lanka Pali and Buddhist University in 1977 and earned his PhD in Buddhist Studies from the University of Peradeniya in 1999.
Dr. Mangala Thero started his career as a teacher and subsequently became the principal of Sri Sumangala College, Kandy in year 2000.
In 2003 he was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of the Buddhashrawaka University of Anuradhapura. After completing his three year term he devoted his time to educate young children by establishing Sri Chandananda Buddhist College.
Dr. Mangala Thero the founder of the school was instrumental in getting the school inaugurated and in the driving force behind the school.
He is the youngest disciple of the late Ven. Palipane Sri Chandananda Nayaka thero who left behind to this disciple a mission of educating both the Buddhist Clergy and laity. Dr. Mangala Thero who has had a good monastic training in his pirivena education and also a secular learning in his University education, started rendering his social and the religious service at the young age.
He embarked on implementing his late Nayaka thero's vision. Following his foot step Ven.Dr. Mangala thero earned the international reputation working with the Buddhists and Buddhist Leaders of China, Korea, Japan and Thailand.
Ven. Dr. Mangala thero contributed for the advancement of Buddhist literature by compiling and editing the following publications.

In addition, he has written many articles pertaining to the subjects Buddhism, Education and Sociology.
The positions he held recent past;
Local :
1.Senior Committee member of the Asgiriya Mahaviharaya Karaka Sangha Sabha.
2.Registrar and Head of the Chandananda International Buddhist Research Institute.
3.Patron, International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Pallekele.
4.Principal - Sri Sumangala College, Kandy.
5.Vice - Chancellor, Buddhasharawaka University, Anuradhapura.
6.Principal, Sri Chandananda Buddhist College, Asgiriya, Kandy.
Foreign :
Member : Constitution of International Council of United Nations day of Vesak 2009.
Member : The Association of Common Wealth Universities - 2006.
Founder : of the "Palipane Sri Chandananda - China Academy"
Co-ordinator : Mahaculalongkornraja Vidyalaya University, Thailand
Article from: Sri Chandananda Buddhist College |
 Most Ven Phra Theppariyattivimol
Co-opt Member, Thailand |
 Ven Dr. G. Mangala
Co-opt Member, Sri Lanka
 Meachee Sansanee Sathiarasut
Co-opt Member, Thailand |
 Asst. Prof. Dr. Suraphon Suyaphrom
Co-opt Member, Thailand