Bangkok, 21-22 May 2013
On this 10th anniversary of the celebration of United Nations Day of Vesak, I wish to express heartfelt greetings to all Buddhists around the world. I congratulate the Royal Thai Government and the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University for marking this year’s celebration with an international conference on the theme of “Education and Global Citizenship: A Buddhist Perspective.” This theme could not be more timely or relevant.
We are living in times of uncertainty. Individuals are buffeted by change, and societies everywhere are being tested by crisis and natural disasters, deep inequalities and enduring tensions. Local challenges are increasingly global and increasingly complex. In this context, education has never been so important – as a basic human right, essential for human dignity, and as the foundation for sustainability.
Education is the best way to build peace from within, by giving everyone the tools they need for self-fulfilment. On a planet under pressure, education is a force to shape new ways of thinking and acting, to build resilient societies able to adapt to change and mitigate its impact. Each of us must recognize the responsibility we carry towards others and our planet. This is a wellspring for the global solidarity we need to tackle the challenges all societies face on the basis of equality and respect. For this, education is essential.
These goals underpin the Education for All movement that UNESCO is leading, as well as our work in advancing education for sustainable development for peace and human rights, and for health. Fostering global citizenship stands at the heart of the new Global Education First Initiative, launched by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, in September 2012, which UNESCO is steering forward. Our aim is to equip children, young people and adults with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to allow them to make informed choices and responsible decisions on the basis of solidarity and respect. Education is the way to link the ‘local’ with the ‘global’ and to ensure action on the basis of shared values and responsibility.
Fostering global citizenship through education is essential for building genuine and lasting peace. It is vital also for laying the foundations for more inclusive and sustainable development. Our goal must be to empower all women and men, girls and boys, to act for positive change, together.
This is why this International Conference is so important. I wish you fruitful deliberations and look forward to their results.