for The 10th of International Celebration on
the Occasion of United Day of Vesak 2013
21st - 22nd May, 2013/2556 B.E.

for The 10th of International Celebration on
the Occasion of United Day of Vesak 2013
21st - 22nd May, 2013/2556 B.E.


for The 10th of International Celebration on
the Occasion of United Day of Vesak 2013
21st - 22nd May, 2013/2556 B.E.


The Celebration of 2600 Years of the Buddha's Enlightenment

to Buddhajayanti: The Celebration of 2600 Years of the Buddha's Enlightenment


2012 IABU Editorial Committee:
Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Prof. Padmasiri de Silva
Prof. Sarah Shaw
Dr. Dion Peoples
Jamie Cresswell
Toshiichi Endo

2012 IABU Editorial Committee:
Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Prof. Padmasiri de Silva
Prof. Sarah Shaw
Dr. Dion Peoples
Jamie Cresswell

2012 IABU Editorial Committee:
Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Prof. Padmasiri de Silva
Prof. Sarah Shaw
Dr. Dion Peoples
Jamie Cresswell


2012 IABU Editorial Committee:
Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Prof. Padmasiri de Silva
Prof. Sarah Shaw
Dr. Dion Peoples
Jamie Cresswell

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Author: Phar Brahmagunabhorn (P.A Payutto)
Translator: Ven. Assist. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa
Editor: Robert Phillip Moore
This book, Phar Brahmagunabhorn (P.A Payutto) gives explanations and his ideas about history and significance of Vesak towards humanities. In particular, Vesak is the day that reflects the civilization, because the Buddha has declared a day of freedom. The day that Dhamma appears to the world and the date Buddha was reminding the people they served with, so do not underestimate on this convergence. Humanities should seek the true value of knowledge to reach the Buddha Enlightment.

Editor: Dr. Dion Oliver Peoples
ISBN : 978-974-364-929-5
This book, Phar Brahmagunabhorn (P.A Payutto) explains the cause of conflicts and violence which occur from the greediness and narrowed mind. To escape from the previous decoys is to diminish jealousy by approaching to the three universal principles: Universal Humanity, Universal affection, Universal principles and Universal Truth.

Author: The Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra
Dharmakosajarn (Prayoon
Dhammacitto), Honorary Fellow of the
Royal Institute
Translator: Soontaraporn Techapalokul,
Intira Navasumrid
Editor: Ven. Assist. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa
Dr. Dion Oliver Peoples
Editing: Second Printing (May 2011)
ISBN 978-974-364-958-5
This book, The Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute emphasizes how the significant of the values of environment to humanity. Therefore, humanity is supposed to preserve and prevent our natures as our friends.

Editor: Ven. Assist. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa
ISBN 978-974-364-959-2.
First printing: May 2011
This book, Buddhist Virtues in Socio-Economic Development, is a part of promoting and supporting to the Buddhist academicians to innovate paradigm of applied Buddhism due

Writer : World's Buddhist Academics
��óҸԡ�� : Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami (UK)
Ven. Dr. Hansa Dhammahaso (Thai)
Dr. Dion Peoples (USA)
Dr. Ariyatne (Sri Lanka)
Prof. Dr. Damien Keown (UK)
Dr. Colin Butler (Australia)
Dr. T. Dhammaratana (France)
ISBN : 978-974-364-960-8
This book is adacemic articles of Buddhist's Scholar around the world consisting of 80 articles which presented about Buddhist Leadership in Socio-Economic Development, Building a Harmonious Society, Environmental Preservation and Restoration and Wisdom for awakening Society

The 2nd Academic Journal
The International Association of Buddhist Universities
Writer : World's Buddhist Scholars
Editor : Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami (UK)
Ven. Dr. Hansa Dhammahaso (Thai)
Ven. Dr. Somboon Wittikaro
Dr. Dion Peoples (USA)
ISBN : 1906 - 8190
This book is the academic articles of Buddhist's panelists around the world consisting of 7 articles that have been selected from famous writer in many aspects such as application, Common Buddhist text and Economice and social related to Buddhist aspect.

Compiler : Academic Committee . Mahachulalongkornrajavidyala University
Edited : 1 (May 2011)
This book contains message of Buddhist leaders from USA, Europe, South Africa, Asia and also including the message from secretary of United Nation, secretary of UNESCO, Prime Minister, Minister and the leaders of various private organizations that shows wish well on celebrating Vesak day 2011 and shows the path of peaceful living.

The International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations 12-14 May 2011, Thailand


