Papers were to focus on ways in which the Dharma is integrating into the societies and cultures of predominantly Christian nation and in an Islamic nations. The papers addressed sociological and cultural issues and not merely ritualistic and practice based aspects of Buddhist traditions. For example, studies pertaining towards: gender, family, ethnic discrimination and other relevant issues, and Dhamma dissemination; intra-Buddhist relations; Buddhism and Secularism; Buddhist relationships with the host-country's social, political and religious culture; and Buddhism and the media. Additionally, papers on teaching Buddhism were welcomed, topics discuss: new ways of teaching Buddhism, and how can the Dhamma be taught and employed for the welfare of society. |
Centre of Asian Studies (CENAS), Jakarta
Title:Maintaining the Vihara Inside a Muslim Society: A Study on the Vihara Kwan
In Thang in Pamulang, Banten Province, Indonesia
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Email Address : mendo_leiben@yahoo.com
Current Position : Lecturer and Head of Dharmacarya Department Sriwijaya State Buddhist Colleg
Education : Magister on Education
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Research Theravada Tradition in Lombok Scociety
International Students Assembelyon Religious Issues and Contemporer |
Title:Buddhism in Indonesia: The Current Issues of
Development of Buddhism and Modern Muslim
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Title: The Social Role of Chanting Tradition in Indonesia Buddhist Society
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Name : Kustiani
Email Address : kalis_sambikala@yahoo.com
Current Position : Sri Lanka
Education : Ph.D student of Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
a. Panelist for the 12th Sakyadhita Conference with the topic "Buddhist Women and the Universal Monarch Concept" and also for the 16th IABS Conference with the topic "Buddhist Minority in Muslim Country: Balancing Doctrinal and Political Challenges".
b. Contributor of the Nã?appabhã (recently published in Singapore) with the topic "Psychological Basis of Buddhist Ethics" and also contributor of the Ashgate Research Companion in Sexuality and Religion, U.K. with the topic "Menstruation, Sexuality and Spirituality in Buddhism".
c. Currently doing research on "Examining the Date of Mahãpajãpati's Ordination". |
PhD Candidate, University of Kelaniya
Title:Buddhist Women and Polygamy Issue in Indonesia
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Name : Wilis Rengganiasih Endah Ekowati
Email Address : wilis.ree@gmail.com
Current Position :
- Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University's Graduate School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Lecturer at Syailendra Buddhist College, Semarang, Indonesia
Education :
- BA in Dance, 2001, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Surakarta, Indonesia
- MA in Religious & Cross-cultural Studies, 2006, CRCS-UGM (Center for Religious & Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University), Yogyakarta
- MA in Religious Studies, 2007, Florida International University, Miami, Florida
- 3rd year PhD Program in South & Southeast Asian Studies, 2009 now, UC Berkeley
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
- Women in Buddhism : MA Thesis "The Controversy of Bhikkhuni Ordination within Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia"
- Buddhist Art : script writer of the Mahahamsa Jataka (the Golden Swan) Dance and Music Concert, Jakarta, July 2010
- Contemporary Buddhism in Indonesia
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Title: Bhikkhu Ashin Jinarakkhita's Interpreting and Translating Buddhism
in Indonesian Cultural and Political Contexts
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Name : Venerable Bhikkhu Buddharakkhita
Email Address : bbuddharakkhita@gmail.com
Current Position : Abbot and President of the Uganda Buddhist Centre in Uganda, Africa
Education : Monastic
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
He is the founder and Abbot of the Uganda Buddhist Center in Uganda, Africa.
He is the spiritual advisor of Flowering Lotus Meditation Center in Magnolia, Mississippi, USA
He is a spiritual adviser of Global Buddhist Relief, New Jersey, and U.S. A
He is a representative of Uganda at the World Buddhist Summit, Kobe City, Japan.
He is the meditation instructor of Buddhist counseling psychology, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
He is the president of the World Buddhist Sangha Youth, Uganda chapter.
He has been teaching meditation in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, Brazil, and the U.S. A
Title: Trials and Tribulations of Teaching Dhamma in Uganda
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Name : Blaze Marpet
Email Address : brmarpet@eckerd.edu
Current Position : Ford Apprentice Scholar in Residence at Eckerd College
Education : Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, Eckerd College (2013)
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Scholarship recipient from the South Asia Summer Language Institute at University of WisconsinMadison to study ancient Buddhist and Indian Sanskrit texts; participant in the Buddhist Studies Summer Program at Kathmandu UniversityCentre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal; director of study for an experiential learning trip to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Ukiah, California; author of a work in progress about Buddhist philosophy and modernity for the Ford Apprentice Scholars Program at Eckerd College, Saint Petersburg, Florida. |
Eckerd College
Title:The Beatnik Buddhist: The Monk of American Pop-Culture
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Name : Bhante Chao Chu
Email Address : labuddhistu@earthlink.net
Current Position : president of the Los Angeles Buddhist Union
Education : BA in Philosophy, MA in Buddhist Studies, PhD in Buddhist Studies
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : I have been working with Buddhist groups and other religious groups in the United States since 1981. I have also founded the Bosath Children's Educational Foundation to provide underprivileged children in Sri Lanka with free education. I give lectures on Buddhist-related topics, such as social work.
Title: Teaching Dharma in the United States
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Name : Rev. John M. Scorsine
Email Address : johnscorsine@elpasotel.net
Current Position : Associate Chaplain, Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility; Partner, Lynch and Robbins; General Counsel, TTCC, Inc.
Education :
B.S. in Criminal Justice, Rochester Institute of Technology, 1980
Juris Doctorate, University of Wyoming College of Law, 1984
Masters of Art, University of Sunderland, 2009
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Associate Chaplain for the Colorado Department of Corrections
Delegate for 2011 UN International Day of Vesak.
Founder of Kanthaka Dharma Center and Large Animal Rescue which is under development.
Ordained Minister, International Association of Buddhist Ministers
Title: Buddhist Practice: Within an Environment of Concrete and Steel
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Name : Jonathan H. X. Lee, Ph.D.
Email Address : jlee@sfsu.edu
Current Position : Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies
San Francisco State University
Department of Asian American Studies
1600 Holloway Ave, EP 103
San Francisco, CA 94132
Office: 415-338-2279
Fax: 415-338-7593
Education : Ph.D.
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Specialist on Asian American Buddhism, with focus on Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Sino-Southeast Asian Buddhism. |
San Francisco State University
Department of Asian American Studies
Title:Acting Out: Thai American Buddhists Encounters with
White Privilege and White Supremacy
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Name : Rujing Mao
Email Address : maolujin@163.com
Current Position : Student
Education :
1998-2003: Buddhist Studies in Minnan Buddhist Academy, P.R. China.
2004-2006: Master's of Chinese Philosophy in Xiamen University, P.R. C.
2008-present: Ph.D. Candidate (plan 1.1), MCU
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
2000 Received full ordination as a bhiksuni
2003- 2007: Worked as Director of Female Buddhist Class
Minnan Buddhist Academy
PhD Candidate
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Title: The Most Outstanding Bhiksunï
Contribution to Education in Contemporary China
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B.A., M.A., PhD. (Buddhist Studies)
Deputy Dean of Graduate School
Mahachulongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand
Title: Buddhist Tolerance for Peaceful Co-Existence of Asian Nations
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Name: Leena Seneheweera
Email address: lkuma2001@yahoo.com
Current Position: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts
Buddhist Projects/ Experience: Teaching Sri Lankan, Chinese and Indian Buddhist Music and
Buddhist Art in the postgraduate programs. As well as involved
research relating to Buddhist philosophy and Buddhist art.
Department of Fine Arts,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Title: Bridging society and Buddhism through a woman's role of teaching the Dhamma as depicted in selected visual art works from Sri Lanka
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Santa Clara University
Title: Dharma in Action: The Gift of Western Female Dharma Teachers
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Name : Ms. Saw Yee Mon
Education : B.A (Hons.) in English from University of Yangon and her B.Sc. in Accounting & Finance from London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), UK. Again she obtained Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Yangon Institute of Economics.
Experience : She is a lecturer in Economics at Regent Business Academy. She also joined the Law Chambers as part-time Research Analyst for its International Business Section. She has been a volunteer translator for Buddhist monks and scholars since 2005. Her first publication is the translated version of "Buddhism & Vegetarianism" by Ashin Nandam?l?bhiva?sa. She is an independent researcher and reader in Buddhism. Currently, she is living with her parents in her home town and is providing trainings and workshops about Buddhism to the young people.
Reader in Buddhism
Title: Exporting Dhamma to New Lands: Empirical Approaches of Teaching Dhamma in Predominantly Non-Buddhist States
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Name : Winston Velazco
Email Address : Winston@iebh.org
Current Position : President of Instituto de Estudios Buddhistas Hispano (IEBH)
Education :
Mechanical Engineering 1994, Universidad Metropolitana Caracas, Venezuela
MBA 1997, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Urbana Champaign, USA
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Started practicing Zen Buddhism in Venezuela on February 2000 under instructions of Master Zengaku Nansen Carouget (1926-2010), disciple of Master Taisen Deshimaru Roshi.
Started Abhidhamma studies and Vipassana meditation on 2008 under instructions of Venerable Bhikkhu Nandisena (Abbot of The Dhamma Vihara Theravada Buddhist Monastery in Mexico).
To establish and develop The Hispanic Buddhist Studies Institute (IEBH, in Spanish) for Spanish speaking communities.
Title: Buddhism in New Lands
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Name : María Alina Morales Troncoso
Email Address : moralina@gmail.com
Current Position : Member of Board of Directors Buddhismo Theravada México, A.R.
Education : Degree in Psychology
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Work supporting the Dhamma Vihara
Centro Mexicano del Buddhismo Theravada A. C. (CMBT) 2000-2008
Secretary of Board of Directors CMBT 2002-2004
President of Board of Directors CMBT 2007-2008
Member of Board of Directors Buddhismo Theravada México A.R. 2008-2012
Title: The Dhamma in Spanish-Speaking Countries
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Name : Ricardo Guerrero
Email Address :
ricardo@aebtheravada.org; rcrd.guerrero@gmail.com
Current Position :
Vice-president of the Spanish Association of Theravada Buddhism
Education :
Degree in Audiovisual Communication at "Universidad Complutense de Madrid".
Degree in Business Studies at "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Translator into Spanish of several books on buddhist themes.
Editor of paperback edition of Bikkhu Nandisena's Spanish translation of "Dhammapada".
Promoter of the future first centre of Theravada Buddhism in Spain.
Title: Towards opening the first Theravada Center in Spain
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Name : Réjane Serra
Email Address : rejaneserra@yahoo.fr
Current Position : Sociologist in the Solidarity and Health Office of the City Council of Strasbourg (France)
Education : Master Degree in Sociology from the U.D.S. of Strasbourg
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Member of the commission Buddhism and Society in the EBU (European Buddhist Union) since 2009, General Secretary of Sakya Tsechen Ling, European Institute of Tibetan Buddhism since 1989, Buddhist teacher and translator of Buddhist texts into French, Member of the Executive Board of Sakyadhita France since 2006.
European Buddhist Union
Title: Societal Relevance and Place of Buddhism in France
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Name : Dr. J. Abraham Vélez de Cea
Email Address : abraham.velez@eku.edu
Current Position : Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, Department of Philosophy and Religion
Education :
After studying Buddhism in England, India, and Sri Lanka, I finished my Ph.D. with a dissertation about the Buddha's doctrine of non-self in 2001 (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain). In 2002 I received a post-doctoral fellowship from Georgetown University and the Spanish Government. I spent four years at Georgetown University (2002-2006), the last two as visiting assistant professor, until I got a tenure-track position at Eastern Kentucky University. I received tenure at Eastern Kentucky University in the spring of 2011.
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
My research interests lie in the areas of early Buddhism, Buddhist Ethics, and Buddhist-Christian Studies. My main goal as scholar-practitioner of Buddhism is to provide the most accurate and charitable interpretation of the Buddha of the Pãli Nikãyas, and to explore how the Buddha's thought may help address current ethical, philosophical, and theological problems. I am extremely interested in fostering intra-Buddhist dialogue and Buddhist-Christian dialogue.
In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, I find it useful to adopt a comparative perspective. For instance, in my book Buddha and the Problem of Pluralism (under review by Routledge), I compare the Buddha's approach to philosophical and religious diversity to the approaches of John Hick and Mark Heim.
At present I am writing a book entitled Buddha and the Problem of God, which discusses diverse interpretations of the Buddha and develops the concept of Buddhist transtheism. |
Eastern Kentucky University
Title: Buddha and the New Atheists: On the Art of Teaching the Dhamma in the Bible Belt
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Name : Cynthia Drake
Email Address : cynthia.drake@colorado.edu
Current Position : University Instructor; Doctoral Candidate
Education :
BA, University of California at Berkeley, 1984
MAT, Oregon State University, 1992
MA, Georgetown University, 1999
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Member of Shambhala Buddhist community since 1985.
Meditation Instructor since 2001.
Teach Buddhist and secular/non-sectarian meditation classes and programs since 2005.
Teach seminar on contemplative learning (to first-year undergraduate students) at Naropa University.
Dean of Beginning to Meditate program at Boulder (Colorado) Shambhala Center.
Currently conducting research on Buddhist influences on early twentieth-century British literature.
Naropa University
Title: American Habits and Fresh Baked Bread
Executive Director of the Spirit of Rangatahi (Youth), New Zealand
Title: Dharma in the West: How are our Youth Learning?
Title: Bridging Science and Spirituality through Buddha's Middle Way to Knowledge
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Name: Suryo W. Prawiroatmodjo, veterinarian
Email Address: suryowp@sby.dnet.net.id
Current Position: Lecturer at Ciputra University, Surabaya Indonesia.
Founder of the first Indonesian environmental education centre PPLH Seloliman
Founder program coordinator of Pring Woeloeng environmental education institution
Founder advisory member of the Caretakers of the Environment International Indonesia Chapter Pandu Pertiwi
Member of Ashoka Fellow Indonesia
Member of Caretakers of the Environment International
Guest lecturer at Kertarajasa Buddhist College
Lecturer of Social Entrepreneurship at Ciputra University, Surabaya,
Speaker at the International Conferences of the United Nations Day of Vesak IABU (International Association of Buddhist Universities), at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya & Bangkok, Thailand 2009, 2010, 2011 on the topics: integration of Buddhist teachings with environmental education methodology
- graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University in Surabaya, Indonesia 1982
- Wildlife conservation management, Smithsonian Institution - University of West Virginia, at the Conservation and Research centre, Front Royal, Shenandoah, U.S. - 1986
- Environmental education management, International Centre for Conservation Education, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, U.K. 1987
Buddhist Projects/Experiences:
Environmental education for schools and the public with specific titles: on Buddhist ethics concerning to religion understanding,, law, the economics, bio-diversity, education methodology, introduction to environmental impact assessments,
Title: Teaching Buddhism by Understanding the Phenomena of Nature:
Integrating Dhamma Teaching Methodology into Environment Education Program
- A New Approach to Comprehend Buddhist-Environmental Teaching Practice
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Name : Dr. Malcolm Voyce
Email Address : Malcolm.voyce@gmail.com
Current Position :Associate Professor
Education :LLB, MA, PhD, PhD
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Solicitor, Law Lecturer, and Buddhist Practitioner
Macquarie University, Sydney
Title: The Role of Rules in Personal Development and Interpretations of the Vinaya in Western Countries
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José A. Rodríguez Díaz, Dr., PhD
Professor of Sociology
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Barcelona, SPAIN
Professor Rodrìguez Dìaz received a Doctorate in Economics in Spain and later completed a PhD in Sociology at Yale University (USA) with Fulbright and Social Science Research Council fellowships.
He is a Full Professor and has been Chairman in Sociology and Director of the Doctoral Program at the University of Barcelona where he currently does research and teaches.
He has been Visiting Professor at the Center for European Studies of Harvard University, at Yale University and at the University of California Santa Barbara. He has done extensive research and written numerous papers and books on Sociology of Health and Health Care, Professions, and Organizations. In the process, he has collaborated with the World Health Organization, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the European Commission through the program COST, and national Spanish institutions.
His present research and publications focus is on the role of Social Networks in organizations and societies, Future studies, and the social dimensions of Happiness. These lines of research converge in the study of the processes of transformation of Buddhism in modern society.
Department of Sociology and Organizational Analysis
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona
Title: Being Buddhist in New Lands: Mapping Buddhist Social-Cultural Identities
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Name : Geoffrey Michael Bamford
Email Address : geoffrey.bamford@ocbs.org
Current Position : Vice-Chair, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
Vice-Chair, Society for the Wider Understanding of the Buddhist Tradition
Education : MA
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
I co-founded significant Buddhist charities based in Oxford the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies (OCBS) and the Society for the Wider Understanding of the Buddhist Tradition (So-Wide) and continue to be involved in running them. I also co-founded the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC), for which I have now relinquished responsibility.
Title: Reform Buddhism & Clinical Mindfulness: A Study in Cultural Adaptation
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Name : Maya Joshi
Email Address : joshi.maya@gmail.com
Current Position : Associate Professor, Department of English, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi;
Editor, Tibet House Bulletin, Tibet House, New Delhi
Education : M. Phil. English Literature, University of Delhi
Buddhist Projects/Experiences : Though born 'Brahmin, I was also born Buddhist, since my father, the Late Prof. Lal Mani Joshi had taken refuge in the course of his own intense academic engagement with Buddha Dharma. Having grown up in an atmosphere that exposed me to diverse Buddhist traditions, I have been fortunate to continue to nurture this inherited interest in Buddha Dharma by working closely with Tibet House, New Delhi, for over a decade. Besides organizing several national and international conferences for Tibet House and editing their Bulletin, I have also edited My Life My Times: The Autobiography of Kushok Bakula ( 2008) and co-edited, with Lama Doboom Tulku, Pramana: Dharmakirti and the Indian Philosophical Debate (2010). I have also published "Rahula Sankrityayan's Journeys of the Self: Nation, Culture, Identity" in Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009.
Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi
Title: Buddhisms in India Today: Problems and Possibilities of a Pluralistic Paradigm
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The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Title: Multiculturalism and Challenges of Religion: The Place of Buddhism from a Comparative Perspective
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Name : Helen J. Rosen, PhD
Email Address : helenrosen11@gmail.com
Current Position : Associate Professor, The Won Institute of Graduate Studies
Education : PhD, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 1980
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
Graduate of Integrated Study and Practice Program at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA.; Leads meditation at the Philadelphia Meditation Center in Havertown, PA.; Published author: "The Integration of Meditative Techniques into a Traditional Psychotherapy Practice" (among other non-Buddhist writings); Teaches Buddhist Psychology, The Satipatthana Sutta, and Application of Meditation to the Individual and Society at the Won Institute; frequent workshop presenter in the Delaware Valley. |
MSW, Ph.D.
Won Institute of Graduate Studies, PA, USA
Title: Bringing Meditation to the Community: The Applied Meditation Studies Program at the Won Institute of Graduate Studies, Glenside, PA., USA