Academic books on UNDV conference 2013
Academic books on UNDV conference 2012
Academic books on UNDV conference 2011
Academic books on UNDV conference 2010
Academic books on UNDV conference 2009
Academic books on UNDV conference 2008
Academic books on UNDV conference 2007

This book provides useful information for all Buddhists throughtout the world to realize the true significant of the Day of Vesak and to cultivate firm faith in the minds of the world community that will help to bring about more cooperation in building a peaceful world for many years to come 

Buddhist Contributions to Good Governance and Development
There are nearly forty articles in this current publication, based on contributionsfrom various participants in the International Buddhist Conference, held in association with the United Nations Day of Vesak B.E. 2550 celebrations in Bangkok and Buddhamonthon,Thailand Table of Contents
Preface | Introduction

Selected Papers on Visakha Puja and Vinaya
There are nine articles in this composite text. Most of these articles were published previously for the “Seminar on Significance of Vinaya in the Modern Day Context”, a project undertaken by Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University, in Taiwan; and co-organized by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and the World Chinese Buddhist Sangha Congress – from 13-15 November 2006/B.E. 2549, at Kuang Teh Temple, Alien Township Kaosiung County, Taiwan. Table of Contents
Preface | Introduction
Visakha Puja : Celebration of the Day of vesak
Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn
International Recognition of the Day of Vesak
Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn
Buddhist Propagation for World Peace
Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn
A General View of Vinaya
Prof. Phra Dharmakosajarn
General View of the Significance of the Vinaya Set by the Buddha in the Modern Day Context
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phra Suthivorayan
The Robe in Buddhist Scriptures: Its Development through Social & Cultural Contexts
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Somjin Sammapanno
Refraining from Eating at the Wrong Time
Dr. Phra Sithawatchamethi
Refraining from Possessing the Treasure
Dr. Phra Srisitthimuni
Vinaya: The First Means of Training
Dr. Phrakru Phiphitsutathorn