The Day of Vesak marks the birth, the Enlightenment and the demise of the Buddha. His birth heralded man's deliverance from suffering. His enlightenment was the discovery of the Truth notably the Four Noble truths and the Law of Dependent Origination. His demise was wake-up for the Right Mindfulness.
The three major events in the life of the Buddha signal the birth of Buddhism, a great phenomenon in the history of mankind. For this reason many Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Laos observe the day.
The commemoration of the Day of Vesak by Buddhists everywhere in the world aims to worship and honor the Compassion, the Wisdom and the Purity of the Buddha who taught humanity to be kind and tolerant towards each other, qualities which foster world peace.
In November 1998, at the International Buddhist Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, all member countries unanimously expressed the intention to gain International Recognition for the Day of Vesak, a symbol of the birth of Buddhism.
United Nations representatives of the following Buddhist countries : Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, proposed to the UN General Assembly to adopt the resolution for the international Recognition of the Day of Vesak.
The three major events in the life of the Buddha signal the birth of Buddhism, a great phenomenon in the history of mankind. For this reason many Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Laos observe the day.
The commemoration of the Day of Vesak by Buddhists everywhere in the world aims to worship and honor the Compassion, the Wisdom and the Purity of the Buddha who taught humanity to be kind and tolerant towards each other, qualities which foster world peace.
In November 1998, at the International Buddhist Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, all member countries unanimously expressed the intention to gain International Recognition for the Day of Vesak, a symbol of the birth of Buddhism.
United Nations representatives of the following Buddhist countries : Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, proposed to the UN General Assembly to adopt the resolution for the international Recognition of the Day of Vesak.

Date: 1st June - 2nd 2023
H.E. Dinesh Gunawardena
Prime Minister Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
The Eighteenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2023 / 2567)
Venue: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Convention Center Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
พุทธปัญญา กับการรับมือวิกฤตโลกBuddhist Wisdom Coping with Global Crises - SUB-THEME 01
พุทธปัญญา เพื่อการบรรลุสันติภาพโลกBuddhist Wisdom to Achieve World Peace - SUB-THEME 02
พุทธปัญญา กับการรับมือกับความเปลี่ยนแปลงทางภูมิอากาศBuddhist Advice to Cope with Climate Change - SUB-THEME 03
พุทธคุณูปการกับการพัฒนาทางสังคมและมนุษยธรรมหลังจากโรคโควิดBuddhist Contribution to Further Social and Humanitarian Development after Covid Pandemic
H.E. Dinesh Gunawardena
Prime Minister Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
visit website

Date: 13th May 2022
The Seventeenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2022 / 2565)
Venue: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Convention Center Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
- Compassion in Times of Crises: Buddhist Practices in Healing Global Community
visit website

Date: 10th - 15th May 2019
The Sixteenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2019 / 2562)
Venue: Tam Chuc International Buddhist Convention Center, Vietnam
Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership & Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable - SUB-THEME 01
Mindful Leadership for Sustainable Peace - SUB-THEME 02
Buddhist Approach to Harmonious Families Healthcare and Sustainable Societies - SUB-THEME 03
Buddhist Approach to Global Educations in Ethics - SUB-THEME 04
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Buddhism - SUB-THEME 05
Buddhist Approach to Responsible Consumption and Sustainable Development
visit website

Date: 2018
The Fifteenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2018 / 2561)
Venue: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Convention Center Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. 
Date: 12th – 14th May 2017
The Fourteenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2017 / 2560)
Venue: Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall(BMICH), Sri Lanka 
Date: 22nd May 2016
The Thirteenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2016 / 2559)
Venue:Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Convention Center Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. 
Date: 28th - 30th May 2015
The twelveth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2015 / 2558)
- Venue:
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Convention Center Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. - Main Theme:
Buddhism and World Crisis
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Response to Social Conflict
- Buddhist Response to Environmental Degradation
- Buddhist Response to Educational Crisis
- Buddhism and ASEAN Community
- Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Damian Keown
Common Buddhist Text. (CBT Workshop)
visit website

Date: 7th to 11th May 2014
The eleventh of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2014 / 2557)
- Venue:
Cat Bai Dinh temple, Ninh Binh, Vietnam - Main Theme:
Buddhist Contribution towards Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Response to Sustainable Development and Social Change
- Buddhist Response to Global Warming and Environmental Protection
- Buddhist Contributions to Healthy Living
- Buddhist Contribution To Global Peace-Building
- The Important of Promoting Buddhist Education
- Keynote Speaker:
HH. Thich Duc Nghiep
Most Ven.Prof.Dr. Brahmapundit
ECAI Workshop
The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism

Date: 21th - 22th May 2013
On 21th - 22th May 2013. At United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. In general house of the world, right is made a global citizen who helps human being has a lot of opportunities understanding the world, improve their knowledge of technology and social sciences, career achievement. By wisdom of Buddhism, human being needs to practise meditation, overcome consumer lifestyle, fast living, simultaneously development of moral responsibility in the relationship between oneself and people.
The tenth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2013 / 2556)
Celebrate the 100th Birthday Anniversary of His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand
Celebrate the 100th Birthday Anniversary of His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand
On 21th - 22th May 2013. At United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. In general house of the world, right is made a global citizen who helps human being has a lot of opportunities understanding the world, improve their knowledge of technology and social sciences, career achievement. By wisdom of Buddhism, human being needs to practise meditation, overcome consumer lifestyle, fast living, simultaneously development of moral responsibility in the relationship between oneself and people.
- Venue:
United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. - Main Theme:
Education and Global Citizenship: A Buddhist Perspective
- Sub Theme:
- Contributions of the Buddhist Sangha for Education and Humanity to Celebrate the 100th Birthday Anniversary of His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand
- Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Phongthep Thepkanjana
visit website

Date: 31th May to 2nd June 2012
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. The participants were Mahinda Rajapaksa - President of Sri Lanka and Yingluck Shinawatra - Minister of Thailand. There were also about 800 international delegates from over 80 countries.
The UN Day of Vesak 2012 brings a lot of meanings compared with previous years because this was the year which was marked 2,600 years of the Buddha’s enlightenment and also celebrating the 80th Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Kingdom’s mother and the 60th of His Thailand Majesty Prince.
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Oliver Abeynayake
The nineth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2012 / 2555)
Buddhajayanti: The Celebration of 2600 Years of the Buddha's Enlightenment.
Buddhajayanti: The Celebration of 2600 Years of the Buddha's Enlightenment.
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. The participants were Mahinda Rajapaksa - President of Sri Lanka and Yingluck Shinawatra - Minister of Thailand. There were also about 800 international delegates from over 80 countries.
The UN Day of Vesak 2012 brings a lot of meanings compared with previous years because this was the year which was marked 2,600 years of the Buddha’s enlightenment and also celebrating the 80th Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Kingdom’s mother and the 60th of His Thailand Majesty Prince.
- Venue:
Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok and Buddhamonthon - Main Theme:
The Buddha's Enlightenment for the Well-Being of Humanity
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Wisdom and Reconciliation
- Buddhist Wisdom and Enviroment
- Buddhist Wisdom and Human Transformation
- Keynote Speaker:
Ven. Phra Bhavanaviteht (Luangpor Khemadhammo)
2nd International Association of Buddhist Universities Conference : Buddhist Philosophy & Praxis
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Oliver Abeynayake
- Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Practies
- Unifying Buddhist Philosophical Views
- Teaching Dhamma in New Land
- Buddhist Psychotherapy
- Buddhist Texts and Commentaries in Traditional and Contemporary Contexts
Common Buddhist Text. (CBT Workshop)
visit website

Date: 12th – 14th May 2011
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. There were 5,000 Buddhist delegates, among over 1,700 delegates who were foreigner from 85 countries and territories participated this Vesak Celebration.
The eighth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2011 / 2554)
The 26th Century of Buddha's Enlightenment Celebration
The 84th Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty the King
The 26th Century of Buddha's Enlightenment Celebration
The 84th Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty the King
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. There were 5,000 Buddhist delegates, among over 1,700 delegates who were foreigner from 85 countries and territories participated this Vesak Celebration.
- Venue:
Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. - Main Theme:
Buddhist Virtues in Socio-Economic Development
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Leadership and Socio-Economic Development.
- Building a Harmonious Society.
- Environmental Preservation and Restoration.
- Wisdom for Awakening Society.
- Common Buddhist Text. (CBT Workshop)
- Buddhist Virtues in Socio-Economic Development (in Thai)
- Keynote Speaker:
Professor Lewis Lancaster
visit website

Date: 23th – 25th May 2010
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand
The seventh UN Day of Vesak Celebration was hosted by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Universityof Thailand and The Inner Trip Reiyukai International (ITRI), Japan at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya, ThaiLand. There were 3,000 Buddhist participants including World Buddhist leaders and Buddhist researchers.
The seventh of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2010 / 2553)
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand
The seventh UN Day of Vesak Celebration was hosted by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Universityof Thailand and The Inner Trip Reiyukai International (ITRI), Japan at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya, ThaiLand. There were 3,000 Buddhist participants including World Buddhist leaders and Buddhist researchers.
- Venue:
Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand - Main Theme: Global recovery: The Buddhist Perspectives
- Sub Theme:
- Recovery of world through mindfulness peace
- Recovery of world through Buddhist Education
- Recovery of world through community existence in harmony
- Recovery of ecological world through Buddhism, and
- Recovery of world through Engaged Buddhism
- Keynote Speaker:
Professor Lewis Lancaster

Date: 18th to 19th May 2009
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand
The sixth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2009 / 2552)
At Conference Hall Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Main Campus, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya and United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand
- Venue:
United Nations ESCAP Hall (UNESCAP) in Bangkok and at the Phutthamonthon in Nakhon Pathom - Main Theme: Buddhist Response to Global Crisis
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Response to Environment Crisis.
- Buddhist Response to Economic Crisis.
- Buddhist Response to Politic Crisis and Peace Development
- Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Choosak Sirinil

Date:13th to 17th May 2008
The fifth United Nations Day of Vesak (UNDV) is to be held in Hanoi, Vietname from 13-17th May in 2008. This is the first ever biggest international Buddhist conference in Vietname. The celebrations are expected to draw a gathering of 4500--including Buddhist leaders from all traditions, leading scholars, state dignitaries and practitioners from all ground the world, and in Vietnam.
The celebrations commemorating the 2632 the Year of the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of the Buddha Gautama will be four-dimensional--coveritng Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Religious aspects
The fifth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2008 / 2551)
The fifth United Nations Day of Vesak (UNDV) is to be held in Hanoi, Vietname from 13-17th May in 2008. This is the first ever biggest international Buddhist conference in Vietname. The celebrations are expected to draw a gathering of 4500--including Buddhist leaders from all traditions, leading scholars, state dignitaries and practitioners from all ground the world, and in Vietnam.
The celebrations commemorating the 2632 the Year of the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of the Buddha Gautama will be four-dimensional--coveritng Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Religious aspects
- Venue:
Hanoi, Vietnam - Main Theme: Buddhist Contribution to building a Just, Democratic and Civil Society
- Sub Theme:
- War, Conflict and Healing : A Buddhist Perspective
- Buddhist Contribution to Social Justice
- Engaged Buddhism and Development
- Care for Our Environment: Buddhist Response to Climate Change
- Family Problems and the Buddhist Response
- Symposium on Buddhist Education: Continuity and Progress
- Symposium on Buddhism in the Digital Age

Date:26th to 29th May 2007
On 26th to 29th May 2007, the fourth UN Day of Vesak was solemnly held at the United Nations Hall for Asia Pacific and Buddhamonthon with participants from 61 countries and regions. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, in conjunction with ICDV and the Sangha Supreme Council hosted the 4th International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
On 29th May 2007, during the closing ceremony, after considering the petition of the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and hosted registration letter of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, Most Venerable Dharmakosajarn based on the Charter of the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations to officially declare before 500 Buddhist delegates from 62 countries that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will be a hosted country for the UN Day of Vesak Celebration in year 2008.
The fourth of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2007 / 2550)
Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King 80th BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY
Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King 80th BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY
On 26th to 29th May 2007, the fourth UN Day of Vesak was solemnly held at the United Nations Hall for Asia Pacific and Buddhamonthon with participants from 61 countries and regions. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, in conjunction with ICDV and the Sangha Supreme Council hosted the 4th International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
On 29th May 2007, during the closing ceremony, after considering the petition of the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and hosted registration letter of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, Most Venerable Dharmakosajarn based on the Charter of the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations to officially declare before 500 Buddhist delegates from 62 countries that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will be a hosted country for the UN Day of Vesak Celebration in year 2008.
- Venue:
Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. - Main Theme: The Buddhist Contribution to Good Governance
- Sub Theme:
- Buddhist Perspectives on Good Governance and Development
- Keynote Speaker:
Venerable Phra Visuddhisamvara Thera (Ajahn Brahmavamso)
Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh

Date: 7th - 10th May 2006
On 7th - 10th May 2006, at the United Nations for Asia Pacific Hall and Buddhamonthon, the third Vesak Day was held and is jointly celebrating the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne. Buddhist leaders from 48 countries attended this International Buddhist Conference. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and ICDV, in conjunction with the Sangha Supreme Council and the Thai Government hosted the 3rd International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
The third of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2006 / 2549)
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne
On 7th - 10th May 2006, at the United Nations for Asia Pacific Hall and Buddhamonthon, the third Vesak Day was held and is jointly celebrating the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne. Buddhist leaders from 48 countries attended this International Buddhist Conference. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and ICDV, in conjunction with the Sangha Supreme Council and the Thai Government hosted the 3rd International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand.
- Venue:
Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province, and at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, The Kingdom of Thailand. - Emphasis:
World peace, cooperation between all schools of Buddhism, sustainable development, and the sufficiency-economy theories of H.M.King Bhumibol.

Date: 18th to 21th May 2005
On 18th to 21th May 2005, During the plenary conference in April 2005, the Supreme Sangha Council of Thailand was appointed the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University as organizer of the UN Day of Vesak 2005 for the second time. Result is from 18th to 21st May 2005, the IBC was held to mark the Vesak week in Sanamluang, Buddhamonthon and the United Nations Centre for Asia Pacific. In a joint statement for the same year, Buddhist leaders from 42 countries approved Buddhamonthon as a Centre of World Buddhism, and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University to be continued as a coordinator of the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations
The second of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2005 / 2548)
On 18th to 21th May 2005, During the plenary conference in April 2005, the Supreme Sangha Council of Thailand was appointed the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University as organizer of the UN Day of Vesak 2005 for the second time. Result is from 18th to 21st May 2005, the IBC was held to mark the Vesak week in Sanamluang, Buddhamonthon and the United Nations Centre for Asia Pacific. In a joint statement for the same year, Buddhist leaders from 42 countries approved Buddhamonthon as a Centre of World Buddhism, and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University to be continued as a coordinator of the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations
- Venue:
Sanamluang, Buddhamonthon and the United Nations Centre for Asia Pacific. - Emphasis:
To promote and support sustainable development; resolve that Buddhamonthon, The Kingdom of Thailand should be recognized as the Center of world Buddhism; play a leading role in coordinating between Buddhist institutions and in promoting and sharing Dhamma resources.

Date: 25th May 2004
On 25th May 2004, The UN Day of Vesak Celebration, International Buddhist Conference (IBC) was supported by Thailand Royal Government and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University held the celebration at Buddhamonthon Buddhist centre, with participation of over 35 countries and hundreds of International Buddhist delegations. In June of 2004, the Vesak celebration activities were held at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA. In July of the same year, the IBC on theme “Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism” was held at the Buddhamonthon Conference Hall, under support of Government of Thailand and approval of the Supreme Sangha Council of Thailand. At this historical conference, the attended countries approved Thailand which will be hosted the UN Day of Vesak Celebration in year 2005.
The first of International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (2004 / 2547)
On 25th May 2004, The UN Day of Vesak Celebration, International Buddhist Conference (IBC) was supported by Thailand Royal Government and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University held the celebration at Buddhamonthon Buddhist centre, with participation of over 35 countries and hundreds of International Buddhist delegations. In June of 2004, the Vesak celebration activities were held at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA. In July of the same year, the IBC on theme “Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism” was held at the Buddhamonthon Conference Hall, under support of Government of Thailand and approval of the Supreme Sangha Council of Thailand. At this historical conference, the attended countries approved Thailand which will be hosted the UN Day of Vesak Celebration in year 2005.
- Venue:
Buddhamonthon Buddhist centre, The Kingdom of Thailand - Emphasis:
To study, practice, propagate and protect Buddhism and to jointly organize the Vesak Day celebration at the United Nations Headquaters and at the UN regional offices.