Towards the First Publications of the
Thai Tipiṭaka Translation Project
Bangkok 16–18 May 2024

After examining preliminary printouts of the Vinaya (vol.1), Dīgha Nikāya (2) and Dhammasaṅgaṇī, the team has reached the following decisions concerning the roadmap to the final stages in the publication process of the Thai Tipiṭaka Translation Project:
All volumes will contain General Introductions to the volume, in English, by the translator.

Each volume will contain a Foreword by an important personality in the Thai government and/or Thai Sangha, plus a General Preface by the Chief Editor introducing the history of the series, acknowledgements, etc.
It has been decided that footnotes will be used, not endnotes. If a translator needs to explain a concept or a passage in great length, they may use an appendix for this purpose.

The notes will contain significant/relevant variant readings that are not in Se, as well as commentarial remarks that are indispensable, as well as cross-references when appropriate.
It has been decided that there is going to be one main glossary for all translators of the series. This glossay is provisionally hosted in a Google document, and it is open for suggestions. The idea of the glossary is to specify translation choices for each one of the main terms: click here . The document will be finalized by July the 1st, 2024 and passed to the Thai Editorial Team.

Specific glossaries will be there for the different piṭakas. E.g. the Abhidhamma team will use a glossary for Abhidhamma terms, the Vinaya will have its own glossary.

All glossaries will be included at the end of the volumes, along with indices (Pali-English, Subject Index), and lists of specific types of terms (e.g. plants).
Formatting Style
  • Typeface: We recommend Adobe Devanagari or Times New Roman 12pt, Footnotes 10pt, Subheadings 14pt, Headings 24pt
  • Page size: B5
  • Page numbering and referencing in the margin in 75% greyscale. [23] for Se and <24> for PTS. Se section numbers [23] flush to the margin. (Add full Se or Ee in the first occurrence/s)
  • Running-head to list the sutta
  • The creation of House Style
  • Confirmation of Mr Patrick Mcconnell as chief copy-editor, Mr. Mcconnell will be responsible for the creation of a copyediting team (minimum 3 persons), along with Dr. Sarah Shaw
  • Engaging a professional typesetter and printer.
Timeline for Copy-editing, type-setting and proofreading: estimated 4–5 months.
Mock Sample
Coordinating with printer to print a mock/sample volume to assess:
  • paper quality, cover quality, binding.
  • cover design, front and back (ask a professional team, produce a few samples)
  • ink
  • size
  • Deadline: February 28th, 2025
Coordinating with printer to print a mock/sample volume to assess:
  • Abbreviations for major nikāyas: DN MN SN AN 1.34
  • Other abbreviations following the CPD standard: Dhp Sn It, etc. [+ page number]
  • References to other Pali texts, using Se (default edition) and Ee. Volume number in arabic, period, page number in arabic (lines number in arabic, superscript, optional):
    i. Example: Sv Se1.56; Sv Ee 1.34 [Non-break spaces and hyphens]
  • Subcommentaries, etc. Abbreviations for subcommentaries, lesser cited manuals in Pali, Sanskrit, etc. left to the discretion of those in charge of the piṭaka/collection. If a title/name occurs very rarely, it is advised to use the full title/name, e.g. Kaccāyanasuttaniddesa, not Kacc-nidd.
Presentation of the Pali Text in footnotes
Coordinating with printer to print a mock/sample volume to assess:
  • Capitalization optional
  • No quotation marks (" ") (optional); no question (?) or exclamation (!) marks
  • Separation of words (evameva > evam eva/evaṃ eva; tatopi > tato pi, bhikkhūti > bhikkhū ti; nibbānameva > nibbānam eva), elision marked with apostrophe (sohaṃ > so 'haṃ)
  • Parsing compounds, optional, but advisable to improve typesetting
  • We translate the Pali (in Italics) text into English (no Italics, in quotes " ")
Peyyāla within text: ... /or/ […] /or/ … etc. … , the symbol [ ] used to fill in peyyālas. In the case of summaries, e.g. in Vin, peyyālas are entirely omitted, this system of omission will be explained in the volume Introduction.
Thai Editorial Team
The Thai Editorial team will introduce Page numbers of Siam Edition and European (PTS) edition if it has not been done by the translator. This is a mechanical work that does not require higher knowledge of Pali but it is extremely time consuming. Translators are however strongly advised to add Se and Ee numbering in their manuscripts. As stated before, the numeration of Se and Ee will be indicated in the margins of the page.
All five volumes (Vin 1, DN 9–11, Dhs) should be edited and copy-edited by the end of September. The documents will then be sent to the Thai Editorial Committee for final approval. The books should be ready for print by March the 31st, 2025.
Visakha Puja, or the United Nations Day of Vesak, is the festival that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana (passing away) of the Lord Buddha.
More information please contact:
ICDV & IABU Office
401,Zone D, D400 4th floor, School Building,
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Lamsai, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya 13170
Tel: + 662 623 632, 66 35 248 098 Fax: + 66 35 248 099

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