Ven. Samaneim Yasha
The Buddhist Survival Guide
Saminine Jim has his first Buddhist vision, at the age of twelve (1954) in northern California, of an ancient Buddhist temple which was repeated four years later at the same place. Fifty five years later (2009) he saw this actual temple in Sri Lanka.
After studying with the Tibetan Lamas, and completing the Nundro, Phowa, Bardo and Tara Tantric practices, he was tested by Ven. Gyaltrul Rimpoche (1976) and was recognized as a Siddha Yogi and Mystic healer of the Mahayana tradition. He spent a year with Zen Master Seung Sahn in Providence, Road Island and passed the Koan practices. He was also tested by the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, 1980 and passed the insight test and was taken to Chang Mai to be tested by forest monks; then told to go back to the west and - "do what you can," by the Supreme Patriarch.
In Seattle (1982) Saminine Jim translated the two Mahayana visualizations of the Bavachachra and the Longchen Nying Tigue in to the current version of the Tambolian Map - a Map of Your Mind with all the lights turned on. At this time he began the Yamentaka practices on the thirteen doorways of death, not a popular choice, and should be done on water, in a boat, for protection by the Nagas; unless you want to have a particularly difficult time with the doorways.
He returned to Thailand and was recognized as a Mystic by Ven. Phra Maha Lompon Buton at Wat Rachagon, Thailand (2008). He was asked by Ven. Phra Somphong, Wat Arun, to write a book on Buddhist Humor (May, 2009). Saminine asked Ven. Phra Somphong why he thought Saminine could do such a thing. Ven. Phra Somphong said, "That I would have never lasted forty years in Buddhism unless I had a good sense of humor".