Mr. Sudhamek AWS (Agoeng Waspodo Soenjoto)
Sudhamek A.W.S, Group Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO) of Tudung Group, was born in Rembang, Central Java, on March 20, 1956. Tudung Group is the holding company of several Lines of Businesses (LoB), such as GarudaFood Group, which is known as one of the largest food and beverage companies in Indonesia. Currently, he has been trusted to hold responsibility as a Chairman of The Employer's Association of Indonesia (2011 - 2013). This father of three from his marriage in 1983 to Dra. Lanny Rosiana has a dream to build a "spiritual company". He has been conducting an experiment to prove that business and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Sudhamek received several awards, among others; Entrepreneur Agribusiness Award 2003 from the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, "CEO Idaman" or Aspiring CEO (Version of Warta Ekonomi Magazine 2004 - 2008), as the Ernst & Young Indonesia Entrepreneur of the Year 2004 initiated and organized by Ernst & Young. Sudhamek obtained his academic degree of Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Economics) in 1981 and Sarjana Hukum (Bachelor of Laws) in 1982, both from Christian University of Satya Wacana, Salatiga. Sudhamek AWS is also a prominent figure in the Buddhist circle in Indonesia. Currently, he serves as Chairman of MBI. In addition, he is one the founders of ICRP (Indonesian Conference on Religion And Peace). In addition, Sudhamek AWS is also one of the Founders and at the same time Chairman of the Patron Board of IPI (Institut Pluralisme Indonesia [the Indonesian Institute for Pluralism]), a non-profit institution established in Jakarta, on October 27, 2000