Dr. Colin Soskolne
The Earth Charter and Buddhist Virtues for Sustainable Community Development from a Buddhist Virtues' Perspective
Dr. Soskolne is Professor of Epidemiology in the School of Public Health (SPH), University of Alberta, Canada, where he has been based since 1985. He obtained his BSc and BSc Honours degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. His PhD in epidemiology (1982) is from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. In his PhD thesis, he documented the discovery of long-term occupational exposure to high concentrations of sulfuric acid as being strongly associated with the development of laryngeal cancer. For this, he was awarded the Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) Student Prize in 1983.
Dr. Soskolne's career has spanned several areas, from cancer epidemiology through HIV/AIDS, applied ethics, and, over the past 20 years, global ecological integrity and human health/survival. His joint studies on the link between degrading environmental conditions and human health revealed dire conclusions that led to a World Health Organization (WHO) Workshop in December 1998. Following the Workshop, an official WHO Discussion Document was produced which placed this topic prominently on the international public health agenda.
Dr. Soskolne has authored, co-authored, edited and co-edited over 350 published papers, chapters, books, and proceedings. He is Senior Editor of a book entitled Sustaining Life on Earth: Environmental and Human Health through Global Governance. This 482-page 2008 book is available from Lexington Books at the following link: http://www.LexingtonBooks.com/ISBN/0739117297. Since the release of this book in 2008, Dr. Soskolne developed an interdisciplinary graduate course entitled: "Values, Ethics, and Sustainability". He taught this course based on the book for the first time in 2008 and again in 2010. Currently, Dr. Soskolne is Accreditation Coordinator in the Dean's Office. He is leading the self-study to make the University of Alberta's School of Public Health Canada's first accredited SPH in 2012.