Rev. WetaraMahinda
Sri Langka
Value Of Friendship In The Buddhist Perspective
Senior Lecturer and Formerly Head, Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; Attached to the Washington Buddhist Vihara as the Dhamma teacher and academic advisor; Had served as the Dhamma teacher since 2005 in the Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara, Michigan, Triple Gem of the West, Minnesota, Pittsburgh Buddhist Center, Pennsylvania all in USA.
Has made presentations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Germany, France, England, Canada, Switzerland, Scotland and Vietnam on Buddhism in practical life and History of medicine in South Asia with special reference to Sri Lanka. Research interest lies mainly in (a) Buddhism and psychotherapy and also in (b) Cultural heritage of Sri Lanka (c) Role of ancient Oriental (south Asian) Languages in archaeological studies .