Dr. Eko Legowo, PhD
Dr. Eko Legowo is a member of Executive Council of the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU). He is also a member of Executive Council of the Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (ATBU). In Indonesia, he is the Adviser of the Indonesian Association of Buddhist Higher Education Institutions (IABHEI). He was one of the founder and was the first principal (2000 - 2009) of Kertarajasa Buddhist College, Batu, Indonesia. In 1992, he was trained as a Buddhist Samanera by the Indonesian Sangha of Theravada at Brahma Vihara Arama in Bali.
He was born in Jogjakarta on 23 October 1945. He received graduation of formal educations from (1) Gajah Mada University, Indonesia, as an Ingeneur (Ir.) in Agriculture Technology (1973), (2) California State University, USA, as a Master of Since (MSc.) in
Agronomy (1982), (3) University of Hawaii, USA, as a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Soil Physics (1987), and Development Center of Management and Applied Technology, Indonesia, as a master in Business Administration (MBA).
He has working experiences as (1) Agriculture Extension Specialist (1973-1998), (2) Consultant of Joined Projects between Indonesia with ATM/Republic of China (1976-1980), FAO/UN (1987-1989), IFAD & WFP/UN (1990-1992), GTZ/Germany (1992-1993), and Commission of the European Communities (1994-1995), (3) Lecture of an Agriculture University (1990-2008), (4) Director of Institute for Research and Assessment of Agriculture Technology 1996 - 1997), and (5) International Management Representative for Sakata Seed Corporation of Japan for Indonesia (1998 - Now).
E-mail: eko.legowo@gmail.com or ssc-ina1@telkom.net
Malang, 21 March 2011
Dr. Eko Legowo
Member of EC IABU