Joseph Serra
Buddhism and the Environment: a Buddhist Approach to the Possible Solutions
After graduating with Civil Engineer of a high school in 1978, Strasbourg, France, Mr. Joseph Serra began to study Buddhism from 1982 in Sakya Tsechen Ling, the European Institute of Tibetan Buddhism in Strasbourg-Kuttolsheim. In 1989 he became director and Buddhist teacher. He organised many events such as the coming of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1988 and other international Buddhist teachings gathering up to 20 nationalities. He made many pilgrimages in India and produced films about the holy places in India and Nepal and about great Tibetan masters. He became in 2010 Board Member of the French Buddhist Union (UBF) and of the European Buddhist Union (EBU) and is Co-founder and Vice-President of the Buddhist Community of Alsace, France (CBA) founded in 2011 which gather Laos, Tibetan, Japanese and Vietnam traditions.
Presently he tries to promote the interreligious dialogue also in connection with science and spirituality. As a citizen of the Earth, he also studied and promoted from 4 years the crucial question of the environment and its preservation, in the lay society of public school and in the Buddhist communities. He organises top level conferences on the environment inviting famous persons. He tries to promote the project "Objective One Planet" which means for humankind to "consume" no more than one planet because at that present-day consumption requires the resources of a planet and a half, which is not sustainable.
Personal website: www.bouddhisme-et-environnement.org