Ven Assist. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Title : Venerable Assistant Professor
E-mail : hansa_d@hotmail.com
Position : Assistant to the Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities, and Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Organization : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Address : 79 Group 1 Lamsai, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya 13170, Thailand
Website : http://www.mcu.ac.th www.youtube.com/hansa1536 and www.gotoknow.org/post/phramahahansa
Curriculum vitae
Pali name : Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Academic Position : MCU Instructor, Assistant Professor
Administrative Position : Assistant to Rector for Academic Affairs, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU),
Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Office of the Rector, Academic Division, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Tel. 035-248-011
- International Association of Buddhist Universities Tel. 035-248-098, Fax 035-248-099
- Wat Maiyaipan, Khwaeng Bangkhunnond, Khet Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 Tel. 02-882-4798, Fax 02-882-4797, Mobile 081-875-9154, E-mail - mailto:hansa_d@hotmail.com
Current Position:
- Secretary of Wat Maiyaipan (1999- present)
- Assistant to Abbot of Wat Maiyaipan (2001- present)
- MCU Lecturer (1 September 2005 - present)
- Lecturer in Buddhism and Modern Hermeneutics, Seminar on Buddhism and Peaceful Means Studies (Ph.D.), Buddhism and Current Affairs, Buddhist Philosophy, Seminar on Buddhism (MA), and Engaged Buddhism
- Supervised Instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April - present)
- Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU)
- Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Applied Buddhism and Society
- Conflict Management by Peaceful Means in Buddhism
- Buddhism and Hermeneutics on other Sciences
Education Background:
- Pali VI
- B.A. (Philosophy), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, l998.
- M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Thammasat University, 2001
- Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2005
Training Program:
- Conflict Management in Environmental Projects through Peaceful Means, The Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Basic Knowledge of Prevention and Resolution of Nature Resources and Environmental Conflict through Peaceful Means, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Conflict Management and Apology: King Prajadhipok's Institute's Principle, Pragmatic and Policy
- Certificate Course in The Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means, 2nd Batch, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Mini Master of Management Program, 45th Batch, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)
- Kaset Mini MBA, 43rd Batch, Kasetsart University
- Reconciliation and Apology, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Certificate Course in Negotiation Skill on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, 1st Batch, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in Training for Trainers in Prevention and Resolution of Conflict on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in the Efficiency of Conflict Resolution, Courts of Justice
- Certificate Course in Buddhism Propagator through Radio Broadcast, PRD Training, The Government Public Relations Department in association with Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Certificate Course in Business English, Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- Mini MBA, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University
Tours of Abroad Observation Experiences:
- A tour of observation and study on English use and business management at Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- A tour of observation and study on library and usability of library at France
- Academic seminar under the topic "Interfaith Dialogue" at Nanjing, China
- Seminar under the topic "Co-operation among Religious Leaders" at Singapore
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Anuradhapura and Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Women - Global Crisis" at Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Engaged Buddhism" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Attend the Vesak celebration at Hanoi, Vietnam
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Dongkuk Buddhist Chonbop College, Busan, South Korea
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Sacred Book Studies" at Kathmandu, Nepal
- Seminar under the topic "Engaged Buddhism" arranged by Association of Theravada Academic Buddhist Universities, Myanmar
- A tour of observation and study on modern organization management at Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Munich, Germany under the Kaset Mini MBA program, Kasetsart Business School, Kasetsart University
- Seminar and presentation on "Buddhism in the Next Decade" at Nagpur, India
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Development" at Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
Work Experiences:
- Special instructor at Pali Sueksa Buddhagosa Campus (20 May 2000 - October 2002)
- Special instructor at Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Supervised instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April 2005 - present)
- Negotiator on environmental issues and other prosecutions
- President of the commission "Instruction book on the cautious use of Buddhism symbols" by Ministry of Culture Thailand
Lectures in Government and Individual Sectors:
- Universities such as Thammasat University, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai University, Kasetsart University, Silpakorn University, Walailak University, Ramkhamhaeng University, RBAC University, ABAC University, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Prince of Songkla University, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thonburi Rajabhat University, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Boromarajonani College of Nursing in Bangkok and Nonthaburi
- Government Institutes such as Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Commerce, Court of the Region 4, Office of the Attorney General, Ministry of Industry, National Economic and Social Advisory Council, Directorate of Operations, and Lomsak Hospital
- Individual organizations such as Seven-Eleven Corporation, Charoen Pokphand Group, Pata Pinklao Department store, Thammasapa, and Thai Polycons Public Company Limited
Published Article in Thai:
- Analysis Study of Role and Importance of Neophyte in Buddhism
- Buddhist Cosmology
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation
- Patterns of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Concepts and Actions
- Hermeneutics on From Layman to Arahant: Relationship between Ordination and Mortality
- Are Women Buddhism's Enemies?
- Peace in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict Management and Political Communication in Crisis, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
- Buddha as a Negotiator
- Peaceful Means: the Tools of Political Communication in Crisis
- The Age of Confliction and Discrimination: How New Era Monks Should to Interpret and Propagate Buddhism
- Buddhism and National Crisis
- Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: What? And How?
- No Fairness, No Harmony?
- Why Layman Have to Enter the Monkhood or Die?
- What is Peaceful Means, and Why?
- Peaceful Means on the Three Junctions in Current Thai Society
- Peace on the Four Standings in Current Thai Society
- Forgiveness and Conflict Management in Thai Society
- Religion and World Peace
- Axiom: Hermeneutics on Kukai's perspective
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation, Research Fund from Buddhist Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University
- The Attitude of College Students toward Translocation from Wat Mahathat to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Wang Noi, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- The Analysis Study of Employment of MCU's Graduated Students, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Thesis on Master's Degree:
- "Buddhism Crisis: Case Study of Ordination to Neophyte in Current Thai Society (1980-2000)", Thammasat University
Thesis on Doctor's Degree:
- "Pattern of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Case Study of Mae Ta Chang Watershed, Chiang Mai Province", Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Published Articles in English:
- Interaction between Buddhism and Politics
- Buddhism is the Religion of Peace
- Buddhist Perspectives on Conflict Management
- Engaged Buddhism in Thailand
- The Outlook of Buddhism for the Modern World
- Water War of the Mae Ta Chang Basin
- Human Nature and Conflict: Buddhist Perspective
- Peace in Buddhism: An Analytical Study
- Buddhism: a Religion of Positivism or Presentism