Prof. Francois Chenet
Moderator (Session 1)
François CHENET (born 1955, Ph. D. 1980, D. Litt. 1997) is Professor of Indian Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy, University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV), Paris. He has published (in French) : The Indian Philosophy, Paris : Armand Colin, 1998 ; Psychogenesis and Cosmogony according to the Yoga-Vãsiha, Paris : Publications of Collãge de France nã 67, 2 vols., 1998-1999 ; The Time, Paris : Armand Colin, 2000. He has edited Nirvãa, Paris : L'Herne, 1993 ; Language Categories and Thought Categories in West and East, Paris : L'Harmattan, 2005. He is the author of more than fifty research papers and book reviews.