Venerable Bhikkhu Nandisena
Buddhist Ethics for the Modern World
Venerable BhikkhuNandisena (Angel Oscar Valentinuzzi) is a Theravada Buddhist monk born in Argentina. He is the abbot of the monastery DhammaVihara (Mexico), spiritual director and religious minister of Buddhismo Theravada México A.R. He was ordained at TaungpuluKaba Aye Monastery, Boulder Creek, California, in 1991. He studied Pali Language, Pali Canon (Tipitaka), Abhidhamma and meditation with the late Venerable U Silananda, a renowned master of the Burmese tradition. He is the translator into Spanish of the AbhidhammatthaSangaha of Anuruddha, published by El Colegio de México in 1999, and of The Dhammapada, which includes a Spanish translation of the Commentary of the verses by Buddhaghosa, published by DhammodayaEdiciones in 2008. He has given lectures, classes, courses, and retreats in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand, and, since 2005, teaches on-line courses of Theravada Buddhism in Spanish through the Internet. In 2006 he was appointed representative of Mexico at the World Buddhist Supreme Conference, Kobe, Japan.