The "Middle Way Approach": Harmonious Mediation and Intercultural Discourse in Thai University Students' English Written Essays
UdomSrinon is currently a lecturer in the Department of English, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, at Kasetsart University, KamphaengSaen Campus. He has lectured in English (TEFL/TESOL), Linguistics and Applied Linguistics for more than ten years since 1995. His research works and interests are mainly involved Systemic Functional Linguistics, functional grammar, student writing development, text evaluation and appraisal, critical discourse analysis, genre based pedagogy and theory, and application of Buddhist virtues in classroom context. In the recent years, he has conducted a number of studies based on SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) and apparently through Buddhist virtues and perspectives. He is now waiting for the conferment of his PhD completion in Linguistics at the University of Adelaide, Australia.