Dr. Vinod D. Rangari
Moderator (Session 3)
Dr. Vinod D. Rangari is an alumnus of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India. He worked for his Ph.D. in Studies of Medicinal Plants from Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu, India, under the guidance of world renowned Scientist. After his illustrious academic career as a Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Professor at various institutions of India such as Udaipur, Nashik, Pune, Mysore, Bhopal and Nagpur, he is presently working as a Professor and Principal at Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy, Besa, Nagpur. Dr. Vinod is the recognised Ph.D. Guide in India. His major fields of research interest are herbal drug research and standardization of crude drugs. He has written many books in his professional career, filed number of patents for the drugs on HIV-AIDS, Cancer, Sickle Cell Anaemia etc. and published number of quality research papers in international journals.
Every individual has the most favorite areas of interests in their life and for Dr. Vinod, this area is Buddha and his Dhamma. He is a committed practicing Buddhist who is working for the propagation of Buddhism in Maharashtra since about 20 years. He has delivered many lectures on Buddhism in Maharashtra. He has participated in the discussion and discourses on "Propagation of Buddhism in India'', at Hong Kong Buddhist Association at Hong Kong and Dhammasarth University, Bangkok, Thailand,
Since about five year Dr. Vinod is working for the cause of Dhamma in close association with Most Ven. Guruji Arayawangso. He had been instrumental in organizing several meetings and Dhamma sermons of Ven. Guruji in Maharastra. He has initiated the awareness programs for "World Magh Puja Celebration - 2010" under the guidance of Ven. Guruji and also successfully worked as a Convener, of the Magh Puja Organising Committee, which was organized and celebrated during 21-28 Feb., 2010, at Deeksha Bhoomi, Nagpur, Maharashtra and Veluvan Mahavihara, Rajgir, Bihar in Jambudwipa, after a period of about 1000 years. Recently he was invited for the United Nations Vesak Day Celebration-2010, being organized by Mahachulalongkornraja Vidyalaya University and United Nations at Ayutthya, Thailand, from 24-27 May, 2010. Dr. Vinod has presented his paper and worked as Moderator in a Planary session, "Global Recovery through Engaged Buddhism", during this conference. Dr. Vinod is a founder President of the self established organization "Dhammaditya Missionary Foundation" at Nagpur, which is working for the cause of propagation of Buddhism in Maharashtra and India. He is versatile personality with his acumen in research, art, poetry, philosophy and Buddhism.