Dr. RanaPurushottam Kumar Singh
Ecological Conservation Through the Buddhist Resource Management
After having completed M.Phil and Ph.D. from the Deptt. of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi, Dr. Rana Purushottam Kumar Singh started his teaching career in the same Deptt. In September 2010, he was appointed Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Pali, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, Bihar, a deemed university under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. In pursuance of his research, he has presented a myriad of papers in various seminars and conferences held from time to time in India and abroad. In order to enlarge his academic horizon and expand insightful paradigms, Dr. Rana Purushottam Kumar Singh has been involved as a member of various professional academic bodies of eminence such as SSEAR, ICAPS, ISBS, IOC, IHC, IPC BLIA etc.
He has many published articles and books to his credit.