Ven. Aung Shing Marma
The Pair of Virtues is a channel of Happiness
Aung Shing Marma has just earned B.A. first class honour from the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Bangkok, Thailand. He is an indigenous, and was born at midst of religious, racial, political conflicts in Chittagong Hill Tract, Bangladesh. In 2004 he completed Ordinary Level (O/L). Also, in 2006 he completed Advanced Level (A/L) major in Buddhism, Pali and Sanskrit with colorful result to be offered scholarship by the University Grand Commission of Sri Lanka. Nonetheless, he decided to continue his B.A. studies in another country. Since he was 1st year B.A. student of MCU he has been contributing some academic papers to international conferences and journal.
Forest Conservation and Dhamma Development, (2010), ICUNDV Conference Volume - Global Recovery through Buddhist Perspective, Mahachula University Press, Bangkok.
Brahmavihara: A Solution to World Problem, (2009), UNDV Conference Volume - Global Crisis and Buddhist Perspective, Mahachula University Press, Bangkok.
Harmony is Needed in Economy: A Buddhist Perspective, (2009), Buddhist Door Journal Vol.12, Hong Kong.
Self Victim, (2009), Dhamma English Camp Volume, Dhamma English Camp Press, Bangkok.
What the Buddha Taught: A Worldly Happiness, (2009), Dhamma English Camp Volume, Dhamma English Camp Press, Bangkok.
War and Conflict Healing: A Buddhist Perspective, (2008), UNDV Conference Volume - War and Conflict, Hanoi.