Dr. D. Gopalakrishna
Buddhist Virtues: The Foundations of Socio-Economic Development - A Study
Dr. D. Gopalakrishna, MBA, M. Com, LL.B., has received Ph. D. for his thesis entitled "Impact of Buddhism on Modern Management - A Study", an Interdisciplinary subject, first of its kind. He has more than twenty-three years of corporate experience in a leading public sector - Indian Telephone Industries, at Bangalore- India. Since 1998, he has been working as a faculty member and now he is working as Director (In-Charge) at the Post Graduate -MBA- Department (CBSMS), Bangalore University, the largest university in the Asian Region. He has totally 36 years of varied experience. He has recently presented research papers in International Buddhist conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations, Bangkok, Thailand. International conferences organized by Academy of Human Resource Development, USA- Asian Chapter. (Bangkok, Thailand). The international conferences organized by Academy of Human Resource Development, USA at Taipei, Taiwan. His area of Research interest includes, HRD, Industrial relations and Buddhist Philosophy and its application in the areas of Contemporary Management. He has published several Articles at National and International Journals and magazines. He has published Book entitled "Buddhism and Contemporary Management" in Srilanka. He has adjudged as a second best teacher in Bangalore University, India and also he has delivered Lectures at reputed Management institutes. He has delivered Lecture at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, Thailand which was broadcasted in Thai Radio and BBC World Service and Chaired Technical sessions at International Conference of Academy of HRD. He has presented and published the Research papers in International Conferences. He is Chairman of Board of Studies and Member of several academic committees. He is HRD Trainer, conducting T & D Programmes for Students, Corporate personnel and Faculty. He has visited several countries. His special interest includes conducting (anapana and metta) meditation sessions for Students. Practicing Vipasana Meditation, Reading Spiritual Books, Social and Philanthropic Work and Listening to Music-particularly spiritual. |